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Maritime Overview

Maritime KoreaMaritime Overview

    ShippingAs the world's 5th largest shipping country, Korea features a Leading Player at sea.Shipping more

    ShipbuildingNationwide shipyards in Korea means World-class that has Always been and Everwill beShipbuilding more

    Ship ManagementKorea's leading shipmanagements buttress world's 5th largest fleet operationin safety at seaShip Management more

    Classification SocietyBeyond Compliance - ordinary companies comply only, but leading companies take a further step toward a Comprehensive Technical Advisor - KR.Classification Society more

    Ship TechnologyKorean Cluster deserves a Mecca
    of global marine technology as a Fruition of Combination Effect: shipyards, equipment manufac
    -turers, shipping, Port&TIC bodies
    Ship Technology more

    PortWorld's busiest terminals across
    all types of cargo
    Port more